With Christmas coming our house will have a few extra folks around. Getting all the appropriate decorations out and arranged will also help fill the place up and so it is a good time to do a little bit of organizing. ( not too much, I'm saving bulk of that job for my retirement)
Many years ago, nearly ten years ago we were at our local Ikea store and Ikea was selling off one of their small drawer kits. We didn't need the kits at the time but today, ten years after the fact I assembled the last two of the kits. I believe that we bought six sets of these discontinued products, over time they have been built and adapted for various needs.
The product comes flat packed cut to size with nails and screws included. For one of the units I decided to stain the outer box with Varathane wood stain and give it a coat of orange shellac.
You can see the difference between the finish box and the raw one. I am going to use the finished box for my art supplies and the unfinished box is for the Grandchildren's art and craft things. They are here this weekend and I'll invite them to paint their own craft box.
The title says another good reason to have a work shop. Things like these kits can be assembled on the kitchen table but it sure is nice to go down to the shop, spread the parts and pieces out and not have to worry about getting done and out of the way by dinner time. It is also nice to have a shelf with stain and shellac handy to add that little bit extra to a kit project.
If you have the urge to organize thetoolstore.ca has a pretty good looking tool box:
for a pretty good price.
The serious Christmas count down is happening. Don't get stuck with a lost minute solution, we still have time.
cheers, ianw
P.S. a cheap woodworker tip. Ikea has an AS IS room. That is were I buy all my finished dowels, you can get a bag full for a dollar. (20 -25 dowels)