Monday, May 9, 2011

Couple of Small Projects

   The dino puzzles and the trees are an example of some of the small things that I make in my shop.  I sell some of my work in a local craft c0-0p called Textures.  Small inexpensive products seem to sell the best.  Recently it has been cutting boards but these two items have had a pretty good run as well.

   When you start making things to sell,  your workshop hobby begins to no longer be totally a hobby.  I have made several dozen dino puzzles and thus they have lost their novelty for me, but since they sell the store likes to have them and I keep making them.

   How many times have you wished that your shop could make you some money so that you could buy new tools are just keep yourself in supplies?  The idea of selling your work is appealing, but getting into a situation were your time is dominated by small items that keep you from building new and challenging things is always a danger.  There is that old saying, "be careful for what you wish".

  The entries for the next week or two are going to be a little rough.  I have a new computer and as we have all experienced that means a learning curve while we learn how to get it to stop helping us and let us just do our work.

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