Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wood - Wow

A couple of weeks ago my wife and I went to Ottawa for a couple of days.  One of the places we  went was the Museum of Civilization across the river from the Parliament buildings.  It was my first trip to the Museum, the facility was world class, certainly on par with the equivalent museums in Berlin, Stockholm and Auckland.
Being a wood guy I was truly carried away by the display of artifacts from the west coast peoples.  I am six feet tall, therefore those boards are 3 feet wide. WOW.
I can't even begin to guess what that sort of wood would cost, if it was available to a mere mortal. 
It is difficult to see but the surface has been worked by hand with an adze or large gouge.  I think that it gives character that totally smooth machine finished wood looses.

I know that we are often unhappy with the way our government spends our tax dollars, but...sometimes I really think they get it right. This museum is one of those times.

1 comment:

  1. This past year, I had the opportunity to visit the War Museum in Ottawa. Similar to your experience with the Museum of Civilization, the War Museum was absolutely stunning. Very impressive and a great tribute to those that put their life on the line for our country and for others. I was there with my son, Daniel who was equally impressed. We were there for 1 full day and 2 partial days and hoped to get see both Museums but found we had to return to the War Museum to see everything. Our next trip will be to see the Museum of Civiliazation.
