Sunday, March 20, 2011

I like to build to a purpose.

     Some people like to hang out in the workshop and make stuff, just for the fun of it.  Mostly then those projects sit around on a shelf and ultimately get given away to someone that shows even the slightest interest in the thing.

   But for me the greatest satisfaction comes from making something that is sure to be used.   Making a flower box that fits exactly on the window sill, makes me feel good, even though it is easier than a fancy box with interesting finish to make.  Case in point, the Red Elm box I made a couple weeks ago is sitting on a shelf with no one to love it and no one to use it.  I expect it will live out its days in my shop filled with stray nails and screws.

   My wife has been redecorating our Powder Room and decided that we needed a small shelf unit to fit a very particular space.  Even Ikea in all its might did not have what was needed. So, I got to build to her design.

  Initially it looked like this, made mostly from poplar and left over sheet stock.

sitting on the bench in my shop

I confess it looked pretty funny to me.

Next stage was finishing, everything looks better with some effort on the finish.  It is now dark, aniline dyes to the rescue

Once the shelf got into the space for which it was designed it looks pretty good.  The larger panel on the left hides the plumbing from view and the open space below the shelves will shortly be filled with a purpose built step stool for little people.
Last stage:


  1. Nice. Issue is: Ikea must be good for everyone, so it will usually not fit every individual need, i also never find exactly what i need. Tried to find a Box for LPs recently that could be closed without to much gaps or holes, no Chance, tons of things perfect for CDs though. When ever your needs are slightly outside the normal you are out of luck, but i guess that's the beauty of the hobby! :) Nice little shelf by the way, can't wait to get my hand on a bit more tools to begin some more meaningful projects myself.

  2. Tailor your projects to your tools. I made a tonne of stuff with a limited number of tools for a long time. It was slower but still felt good to make stuff.
    L.P's I thought I was the last man on earth with L.P's

  3. Little people? I know a little person! He makes a mess, but when asked, he says that Opa did it. I believe him.

  4. Opa has been making messes long before there was a little guy to blame him. Pigpen was my favourite Peanuts character.
