Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Computer and the Wood Worker!

  Aside from being a Blogging sort of guy I find myself turning to the internet/computer more and more in pursuit of my woodworking hobby.

  For example, "What does a 6 inch jointer cost?"  I jump on the net and zoom, I have prices from three or four local dealers, I can find out what is in stock and then I type in the model number I can read reviews from all over the world.  I can answer all the important questions and make a decision without having to get out of my PJs.

  Another example, "Sweetie, Can you make a tea chest for the church auction?"  Type in tea chest in any search engine and see links to dozens of plans.  Type in Etsy and see what the world thinks a home made tea chest is worth.

  How many of you use your computer for those tasks?

  What other uses do you have for your computer?

  How many of you have turned to the computer grudgingly?  Aren't they great when they work.  It is tiresome that the world has become so dependent on computers that they can't even make change at the local store when the computers are Down.

   I am writing this blog entry while sitting in a local McDonald's restaurant waiting to go to a meeting.  To a guy with grey hair the whole thing is like a scene from Star Trek. (including the girl with the green hair).

cheers, Ian W

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