clearly fowl are a big part of the festive season, is there are line about One Turkey Roasting?? |
Last September I wrote about this little square and it comes around again for Christmas. This is one of those that every wood worker would love to have, and that many of us are too cheap top buy for ourselves. We will make due, mostly because we have a whole bunch of other squares, all of which are too large for the jobs this tools does so very, very well.
4 inch Square by Starrett Co.
The little square has really come into its own in the last couple of months. I listed small Squares last August and talked briefly about their uses.
I went on to say:
f: 4in. sliding square. I saved this wee square from death by rust. I found it in the basement of our old house and it was totally a rusted mess, being a sucker for the underdog I set about cleaning it up and found my effort well served.
I cleaned this square up so long ago that I didn't know what L.S.S. Co. meant and so was not aware of just how good a tool this was. Why was it a rusted mess? Damp basement workshop. ( jump to the blog on wire brushes, steel and brass)
In the last blog I didn't go into much detail about how I use it and so I thought I would provide a few more details.
Mine is a very old version of the Starrett 13 A Double Square, which only has one blade left and has remained very accurate.
Since it is very square I use it often when I make little boxes.
the complete square |
I use this square for making sure that the drill press table is perfectly aligned. (Something that you should check every time you move the table about, I learned this the hard way).
Another use for this wee square is checking the 90 degree angle on my jointer fence. I slide the fence forth and back to try and use the entire blade and it is always a good idea to check that it has tighten down square again.
This square is also good as a depth stop when setting router bits and table saw blades. I find that since it is only 4 inches long it does not tip over easily.
Last but not least, it is a tidy little lay out tool when working on small projects. Matching the size of the tool to the job often makes for easier working conditions.
At the risk of repeating myself, good tools, the right tools and proper planning can make work a joy.